Before winter break, Eric Darby - a St. George School alum who owns a business designing & building prototype equipment for companies in Silicon Valley - visited our 6th grade STEAM class. He talked with students about his career path that included Mid-Coast School of Technology (MCST), studying Mechanical Engineering in college, and working at the Chrysler Corporation as well as automotive and alternative energy-focused companies in Boston and California.
Our students talked about the coding they were doing through Lego robotics and then demonstrated their skills through some robotic battles! Eric said he enjoyed seeing 6th graders "learning the skills that can lead to opportunities for great professional and technical careers."
It's another example of our vision for providing all students, PreK-12, with access hands-on, minds-on technical learning connected to career & community. Together, as a community and partnering with MCST, we will create the nation's first PreK-12 CTE program and construct the CTE/Makerspace Building. Construction on the new building begins this spring!
More information about the CTE/Makerspace Project and our selection as a Yass Prize Finalist can be found on our website: